- Principal News
- Head of Teaching and Learning News
- Sports News: School Carnival
- Library News: Queensland Premier’s Reading Challenge
- Devotional Thought
- Uniform Shop
- Arts@ St Paul’s News
- Grace Lutheran College: Ignite Excellence Program
Issue 4 - 07 June 2022
Issue 4 – 07 June 2022
In this issue
From the Principal
On Friday 3rd June 2022, families will have received via email a unique link to complete the St Paul’s LPS School Survey. This independently delivered survey, provides an opportunity to our key stakeholders to provide feedback on our school, its services, strengths and areas to develop. It is through meaningful and timely feedback that school’s are better able to address any concerns our staff, students or families may have, and to celebrate those things that we do so well.
From the Head of Teaching and Learning
On Thursday, a group of students and parents gathered in the GLAD Centre with comfy pillows and blankets to watch the movie 'Mr Popper's Penguins'. The students were struck by how different the book was from the movie. 'Mr Popper's Penguins' was written in 1938 by Richard and Florence Atwater. The original story was about Mr Popper who was a house painter, who never had much money, but always had big dreams. In contrast, the 2011 movie, starring Jim Carey, shows Mr Popper as a very rich and serious man who works in property development. As we munched on popcorn and treated ourselves to an iceblock, it was fun to watch this entertaining movie and think about the many differences between the book and the movie. Which was better, the movie or the book? Well, you will have to ask our Family Book Club members about the answer to that question!
Sports News
Preparations for our rescheduled Athletics Carnivals are in full swing with tracks being marked, pits being raked, mats being aligned and stop watches calibrated. Due to the nature of the condensed day for the Senior Carnival, we require a significant number of officials and assistants to ensure all activities are properly supervised and administered. A volunteer registration spreadsheet has been set up and is available through the following link https://forms.office.com/Pages/ShareFormPage.aspxid=pwiBE0aNsk65RfPtlEKe4TZ9ZmY8yrJLjvPnhzDcC2JUQVZVWkhCUkxYOVhOQVpHNVpaSEIwMkhJMi4u&sharetoken=Oxzf9tDUL2Fd0HoZYjgs We ask any parents or friends of the school who might be available to assist to indicate willingness through this platform. If you have previously indicated that you are available to help, could you please do so again on the above link as the date has changed. Please feel free to contact myself, Mr Wooding (Brad) at bwooding@stpaulslps.qld.edu.au for any details or explanations.Senior Carnival - Yr 3 to 6 held at St Paul's on Monday 20 June (Week 10)
Parents, carers, family and friends are most welcome and encouraged to attend. (Coffee van and wood fired pizza will be available on-site for parents, volunteers and staff only. Not available for students). The 800m event is OPTIONAL and begins at 7am for marshalling (first heat 7.15am). Interested students are to arrange early arrival for this event and notify Mr Wooding prior to being marked on a roll. The Carnival begins with roll call at 8.20am (normal school time) with the first event to begin at 8.40am. Carnival concludes at 2.40pm including a presentation ceremony at 2.30pm (if time permits). (Volunteers needed, please see above link to register availability). Year 6 Students will be running a bake sale on the day and students from Years 3-6 may bring a small amount of money to purchase an item. Value will be 50c-$2.00 per item.Junior Carnival - Prep to Year 2 held at St Paul's on Friday 24 June (Week 10)
No parent volunteers needed, however parents, carers, family and friends are most welcome and encouraged to attend. (Coffee van available for parents, volunteers and staff only. Not available for students). The Carnival begins with roll call at 8.20am (normal school time) with the first event to begin at 8.40am. Morning Tea will be 10.15-11:00am with the carnival concluding at 12.30pm for lunchtime. A staff, parents and friends challenge (relay, race and tug-o-war, etc) will also be programmed. If your wish to take part, please bring your joggers, smiles and best team name on the day.Arts @ St Paul’s
Piano Soiree
Congratulations to all the Piano students for their wonderful performances at the Piano Soiree last Friday!Twilight Recitals
Thursday 16 June at 5:30pm Twilight Music Recital 1
Twilight Music Recital 1, featuring Guitar Ensemble, Guitar students, String Ensemble, String students and all Year 3 students (Immersion Guitar, Ukulele and Strings). Light refreshments will be available for familes in Undercover Area from 4:45pm to 5:15pm. Students who are performing should wear their Formal School Uniform and arrive at the GLAD Centre at 4:45pm for a sound check. Doors to the GLAD Centre open to families at 5:15pm.Friday 17 June at 5:30pm Twilight Music Recital 2
Twilight Music Recital 1, featuring St Paul's Choir, Junior Voices, Voice students, Beginner Band and selected Piano students. There will also be Digital Presentations from the Film & TV Club and The Music Technology Club. Light refreshments will be available for familes in Undercover Area from 4:45pm to 5:15pm. Students who are performing should wear their Formal School Uniform and arrive at the GLAD Centre at 4:45pm for a sound check. Doors to the GLAD Centre open to families at 5:15pm. A letter has been sent out to all relevant Arts@St Paul's families. More information for performers will be provided in the Performing Arts SeeSaw Groups. If you have any queries, please contact Ms Carol Ellwood via email on performingarts@stpaulslps.qld.edu.auLibrary News
As part of the Queensland Premier's Reading Challenge, Students are encouraged to read as many books as they can! To complete the challenge:- Prep to Year 2 should read or experience at least 20 books
- Years 3 and 4 at least 20 books
- Years 5 to 6 at least 15 books.
Year 4 Inside Story
In Year 4, students have been learning how to write Information Reports. Their writing piece has provided information about a type of waste, its impact on the environment and how the type of waste production can be better managed. They have had the opportunity to Investigate the waste production at St Paul’s, how it is managed and how it could be managed more effectively. The information was gathered and displayed in various data displays using digital formats. Year 4 students have created posters to display the information gathered about their type of waste. These posters are also currently on display in the Office Foyer.
Uniform Shop
Dear Parents & Caregivers, As per Mrs Marcia Jealous' email sent out on Monday 6 June, students are now able to wear their sports shirts and boys formal shirts (either style) untucked. If they would like to continue to tuck, this is perfectly acceptable. With regards to the boy's formal shirts, the tuck in style is currently being phased out and we only have a limited number of sizes in stock. Further information as to when the non-tuck shirts become a compulsory part of the uniform will follow.
Uniform Shop will be closed on Monday 13 June
Due to the School Photo Day, Monday 13 June, Uniform Shop will be closed on this day.Uniform Stock Update
We are pleased to announce we have received some of our boy’s formal non-tuck shirts in stock. We currently have Size 6 and 10 available for purchase, with Sizes 8 and 12 arriving soon. Any back orders for these items will be sent to class as soon as we receive the stock. We thank you for your patience in waiting for these items to arrive.Tuckshop News
It is with great sadness I have to share that I will be taking 6 months leave, commencing on Term 3. After 7 years, I am looking forward to taking some time off and relaxing. I will miss the students and their smiling faces terribly! I just want to share with you how amazing your children are (even though you already know). Your parenting skills are fantastic because you are raising awesome humans. I have enjoyed every minute of my time with them and have loved watching them grow and mature. Looking forward to seeing you all in 2023! Love, Jenny
Grace Lutheran College
GRACE LUTHERAN COLLEGE – YEAR 7 2023 IGNITE EXCELLENCE APPLICATIONS DUE BY END OF TERM 2 2022 Parents/carers of students in Year 6 are reminded that applications for the College’s Ignite Excellence Programs in Mathematics, Science, English, Sport, Dance and Music for Year 7 2023 are due by the end of Term 2 2022. Application packages are available in hard copy or on the College website (https://www.glc.qld.edu.au/curriculum/ignite-excellence). A student’s enrolment at the College does not need to be finalised to apply for the programs. All Ignite Excellence applicants will be invited to attend an Applicant Workshop in Term 3 2022. For more information, contact Mrs Leigh-ann Forman, Academic Enrichment Coordinator on leigh-ann_forman@glc.qld.edu.au or 3203 0066.