Sports News
Preparations for our rescheduled Athletics Carnivals are in full swing with tracks being marked, pits being raked, mats being aligned and stop watches calibrated.
Due to the nature of the condensed day for the Senior Carnival, we require a significant number of officials and assistants to ensure all activities are properly supervised and administered. A volunteer registration spreadsheet has been set up and is available through the following link
We ask any parents or friends of the school who might be available to assist to indicate willingness through this platform. If you have previously indicated that you are available to help, could you please do so again on the above link as the date has changed. Please feel free to contact myself, Mr Wooding (Brad) at for any details or explanations.
Senior Carnival - Yr 3 to 6 held at St Paul's on Monday 20 June (Week 10)
Parents, carers, family and friends are most welcome and encouraged to attend. (Coffee van and wood fired pizza will be available on-site for parents, volunteers and staff only. Not available for students).
The 800m event is OPTIONAL and begins at 7am for marshalling (first heat 7.15am). Interested students are to arrange early arrival for this event and notify Mr Wooding prior to being marked on a roll.
The Carnival begins with roll call at 8.20am (normal school time) with the first event to begin at 8.40am.
Carnival concludes at 2.40pm including a presentation ceremony at 2.30pm (if time permits). (Volunteers needed, please see above link to register availability).
Year 6 Students will be running a bake sale on the day and students from Years 3-6 may bring a small amount of money to purchase an item. Value will be 50c-$2.00 per item.
Junior Carnival - Prep to Year 2 held at St Paul's on Friday 24 June (Week 10)
No parent volunteers needed, however parents, carers, family and friends are most welcome and encouraged to attend. (Coffee van available for parents, volunteers and staff only. Not available for students).
The Carnival begins with roll call at 8.20am (normal school time) with the first event to begin at 8.40am.
Morning Tea will be 10.15-11:00am with the carnival concluding at 12.30pm for lunchtime.
A staff, parents and friends challenge (relay, race and tug-o-war, etc) will also be programmed. If your wish to take part, please bring your joggers, smiles and best team name on the day.