DRAMA – In Year 6 Drama, students are exploring voice and movement to script short scenes. They also viewed live drama at the Incursion with Brainstorm Productions, analysing how these actors created believable characters and dramatic action.
In one of our activities, we divided into small groups and selected a small object to place somewhere on a big donkey. We needed to tell our group, in a sentence, what our object was and where we placed it on the donkey. We have recorded our ideas and are making a class book so we can read them over and over again.
Do not forget to RSVP by 4pm on Tuesday 3 May. When returning your RSVP, make sure you place your child/children’s names.
*Please be aware this event is capped at 120 for catering and activity purposes, RSVPs cannot be accepted
after the due date*
We’re on a mission to shave the world from blood cancer, and we need YOUR HELP!Before After We have sacrificed our locks to help Aussie families facing blood cancer. Will you step up and sponsor us as we take on World’s Greatest Shave? Your donation will provide families facing blood cancer with the special care they need to make it through every scary, uncertain moment that follows a diagnosis. It will also help brilliant research scientists continue their search for better ways to diagnose and treat blood cancer more effectively. Every day over 50 Australians are diagnosed with a blood cancer. We’re on a mission to change that. Will you help by sponsoring us?Click on the link below to donate: http://my.leukaemiafoundation.org.au/Stpaulsteachersbaldies For more information and all the latest news visit worldsgreatestshave.com Mr Nicholls, Mr Randall and Mr Wood #WorldsGreatestShave |
Spend time this week with Jesus’challenge, “Not to be served, but to serve” (Matthew 20:28). If only every leader in our world had the attitude that they are in their leadership positions “not to be served, but to serve”. What a difference it would make! If every national leader, or CEO, the leaders of our bikie gangs and sports teams valued the opportunity to serve, more than winning, gaining power, or simply being in it to see what they can get out of it. Jesus wasn’t just a King and a great leader. He is God himself. He promised us that He came not to be served but to serve. As such, He gave his life for us.
On Anzac Day, a text that also inspires us is John 15:13, “No one has greater love than the one who gives their life for their friends”.
Let Jesus’ example inspire you this week.
Pastor Mike Neldner.
Face Up to the Cross.
You are most welcome to come along to the Easter services at St Paul’s:
Thursday 7.00pm, Good Friday 9.00am, and Easter Sunday 9.00am.
Hopefully, we can connect the Cross of Good Friday to what is happening in our life. Hopefully, there is more than “What a magnificent, epic story of self-sacrifice that is.” It is quite possible to miss the “For us”. It’s quite easy to avoid connecting this story to your own story.
All of us have to face up to something … something we are terribly afraid of … the many threats to the life we are meant to enjoy … something we lack the courage to do … something we are ashamed of … something we need to say to someone who has hurt us or who we have hurt. As we face up to the cross, it helps us to face these parts of our life. We will receive strength as we hear him say to us, “For You”. This makes all the difference in the world as you face up to the biggest challenges and threats to your life. This Good Friday and Easter, FACE UP TO THE CROSS and learn again how Jesus … only Jesus … gives his life so that we may have life to enjoy.
“For God loved (ALL) the World so much that he gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may not die but have everlasting life.” John 3:6
Pastor Mike Neldner

Teaching organizational skills to children when they are young helps to develop their executive functioning skills. To promote these skills, and protect library books, the Library is encouraging students to get organised and bring their library bags by hosting a library popcorn party to the winning classes.
So don’t be sad! Bring your library bag!
The venues scheduled are:
- Apex Park – Netball
- Moreton Bay Fields – Soccer
- Petersen Rd Complex – Rugby League
St Paul’s Inter-House Cross Country Carnival will now be held on Monday 21st March 2022 and will involve all students from Prep to Year 6. A letter has been sent out to parents and caregivers about the time for each Year / Age Group.
In one of our activities, we divided into small groups and selected a small object to place somewhere on a big donkey. We needed to tell our group, in a sentence, what our object was and where we placed it on the donkey. We have recorded our ideas and are making a class book so we can read them over and over again.
At St Paul’s we are committed to delivering quality learning for our students where every student can achieve success. When most of us were growing up it was essential to know times tables and number facts off by heart. We played class games where the fastest at these facts consistently won the honour of class champion.
The latest research around this practice has found that relying on route memory and rewarding only the fastest in Maths is damaging and reinforces the idea that some people are ‘good’ at Maths and others are not. Students need to build the confidence to ‘play’ with numbers. They need to develop the ability to use a range of strategies to solve problems (both simple and complex problems) and it is important for them to develop the confidence to apply their number sense in a range of situations to become competent Mathematicians. Jo Boaler, a Stanford University professor who is a world-leading expert in Mathematics Education stays that, “Number sense, critically important to students’ mathematical development, is inhibited by over-emphasis on the memorization of math facts in classrooms and homes. The more we emphasize memorization to students the less willing they become to think about numbers and their relations and to use and develop number sense.” (Boaler, 2009).
So what is the solution? At St Paul’s we have been having lots of fun with implementing Number Talks across the school. Teachers have been taking turns in our staff meetings to lead their peers and students have been engaging in these 5-10 minute talks in their class at regular intervals throughout their week. We have started to build the confidence and growth mindset of our students using dot talks to form our Number Talks and the class Number Talks will grow in complexity as the year goes on.
If you would like to learn more about what a dot talk looks like in practice, please visit this link: https://youcubed2stg.wpengine.com/resources/jo-teaching-visual-dot-card-number-talk/
So what is the solution? At St Paul’s we have been having lots of fun with implementing Number Talks across the school. Teachers have been taking turns in our staff meetings to lead their peers and students have been engaging in these 5-10 minute talks in their class at regular intervals throughout their week. We have started to build the confidence and growth mindset of our students using dot talks to form our Number Talks and the class Number Talks will grow in complexity as the year goes on.
If you would like to learn more about what a dot talk looks like in practice, please visit this link: https://youcubed2stg.wpengine.com/resources/jo-teaching-visual-dot-card-number-talk/
Read Write Inc
Last week we began our Read Write Inc journey officially with our students. We have been planning for the start of this program since last year and have been practising our Read Write Inc routines as staff since January. It is so exciting to see this program come to life for our Prep, Year 1, Year 2 and half of our Year 3 students! If you would like to learn more about the program please see the two videos below for more information (please note these links expire on the 9th March):
- Understanding Phonics
How to Say the Sounds
Brainstorm Productions
On 28th March, BrainStorm production Productions will be presenting their student wellbeing performance ‘The H Team’. ‘The H Team’ is a live educational theatre performance that follows the story of Cal and Mindi, who are accidentally transported from the safety of the ‘H Zone’ and left without their positive mindsets. Peer pressure and social media make Mindi anxious, competitive and impulsive. Cal is being bullied and excluded at school. He becomes isolated and obsessed with junk food and video games. Cal and Mindi must learn to resist the lure of advertising and excessive screen time, stand up to bullying and make healthy decisions.
This exciting live theatre experience gives students the knowledge and confidence to cope with difficult emotions and critically evaluate negative messages from advertising and the media. They will learn practical strategies that can be used to build positive relationships, stay safe online and take care of their minds and bodies.