We are planning Student-Parent-Teacher Conversations on Thursday 4 April and Friday 5 April. These conversations are an important part of maintaining communication between parents, students and teachers. It is important that only the student and parents, not other siblings, attend the meeting.
The conversations will be held in your child’s classroom. On Thursday they will be conducted from 4.00pm to 8.00pm and on Friday they will be conducted from 8.00am until 12.00pm. Each meeting will be scheduled for the duration of 15 minutes to allow for the maximum number of conversations to be held. If more time is needed to discuss your student’s progress, an alternative time may be arranged.
This year we will again be using an electronic booking system called School Interviews Online to arrange parent, student, teacher conversations.
- Specialist teachers (Library, PE, RISE and Music) will be available for appointments only if you have a need to speak with them. Places are limited as they teach every student. Prep – Year 3 Japanese will take place on Tuesday 2 April 3.00pm to 4.00pm, Wednesday 3.00 to 3.30pm, and Year 4 – 6 Japanese will take place on Thursday 4 April with Music, Library and Physical Education.
- Learning Support teachers will meet with you during your child’s class interview time where they believe it is necessary. If you would like the Learning Support teacher present, please notify your child’s teacher.
The booking system is open from 9.00am, Thursday 21 March to book your times. The system will close for bookings at midnight on Monday 1 April. If you do not have access to the internet or a computer, please contact the school office.
If you are unable to see a teacher during this time, we would like to invite you to contact reception via phone or email (reception@stpaulslps.qld.edu.au) to arrange an alternative appointment time. If you are experiencing any difficulties in booking your times, please feel free to contact the school.
OSHC will be operating a full day program on Friday 5 April the Pupil Free Day.