St Pauls Lutheran Primary School & Kindergarten
Caboolture, Queensland
In Year 1, we remembered ANZAC day. We talked about what ANZAC stands for and what sorts of traditions occur on ANZAC day. Reading the story, “Lest We Forget” helped us to understand why it is important for us to remember the people who fought for our freedom in Australia. We also spent some time thinking about what we are grateful for in our beautiful home country of Australia. We made lots of poppies out of patty pans so we could decorate two wreaths.
Week 1 of Term 2 has been spent celebrating our ANZAC’s with the St Paul’s whole school Ceremony, the School Captains representing the school in Brisbane and on the 25th April 2019, Students represented the school in the Caboolture/Morayfield ANZAC Day Parade on the Public Holiday. Many thanks to everyone for their efforts in participating in these events.