St Pauls Lutheran Primary School & Kindergarten
Caboolture, Queensland
Book Week is celebrated annually at St Paul’s and we started the week off with the opening of our Book Fair. A very big thank you to everyone who came and supported this event. It was a huge success enabling us to purchase new resources to benefit the students. Congratulations to Addy who won the $50 book raffle which was generously donated by the Book Warehouse.
Next we had our Book Blanket with the Year 6 students reading to students from Kindy to Year 5. This was a wonderful event as it really showcased the idea behind Book Week – where children and books are brought together. Well done to all our readers!
It was great to see the students and staff getting into the spirit by dressing up as as a book character for our Dress-up Parade.
As part of the celebrations for Book Week, the students were invited to create a poster based on the Book Week theme ‘Reading is my secret power’. All students who entered did a fantastic job, congratulations our winners.
Preps have been learning about the concepts of print. We have enjoyed playing lots of games, including alphabet freeze and Simon Says with book parts.
Year 1 have been practising alphabetical order to assist them in using the fiction section. They are also looking at non-fiction text features and how these help the reader make sense of what they are reading. This will help support the students when writing their information reports.
Year 2 – 6 have touched on plagiarism and understand that when researching they must put information into their own words. Year 2, 3, 5 and 6 are focusing on summarising skills. What is the main idea, what are the details (dot points) and how to put our dot points into sentences? Year 3 are also learning the basics of writing a bibliography.
Year 4 are examining different features of text (online and books) that enhance readability and text navigation. Students will look at design elements such as white space, size and placement of photos.
Year 6 are learning how to search for information and to select appropriate information from different sources. They are learning to write a bibliography for different sources (book, website and photograph).