On the Physical Education front, earlier this Term our Senior students had the opportunity to show off their dance skills in a Dance Fever session. Followed up by an introduction to the game of Volleyball and increased endurance and fitness drills in preparation for the Cross Country season.
Junior students were involved also in endurance activities throughout this term and enjoyed their time learning the basics of Tennis. Great participation and energy has been seen by all students.
Thus far, St Paul’s students have had a busy Term 1 full of a variety of sporting opportunities. Swimming lessons, District Swimming, Inter-House Swimming, AFL & Soccer Gala Days 1 & 2, Inter Lutheran Swimming & Inter-House Cross Country. New achievements, new experiences, new friendships & new skills continued to be explored!!

This year the library will be working closely with teachers to assist students with their learning in their inquiry units.
Preps have been learning about the concepts of print. We have enjoyed playing lots of games, including alphabet freeze and Simon Says with book parts.
Year 1 have been practising alphabetical order to assist them in using the fiction section. They are also looking at non-fiction text features and how these help the reader make sense of what they are reading. This will help support the students when writing their information reports.
Year 2 – 6 have touched on plagiarism and understand that when researching they must put information into their own words. Year 2, 3, 5 and 6 are focusing on summarising skills. What is the main idea, what are the details (dot points) and how to put our dot points into sentences? Year 3 are also learning the basics of writing a bibliography.
Year 4 are examining different features of text (online and books) that enhance readability and text navigation. Students will look at design elements such as white space, size and placement of photos.
Year 6 are learning how to search for information and to select appropriate information from different sources. They are learning to write a bibliography for different sources (book, website and photograph).

Today saw a team of around 40 swimmers represent the school at the Inter-Lutheran Swimming Carnival in Redcliffe. Congratulations and thank you to these students on being chosen to represent the school and get a taste of the next layer of competitive swimming. Miss Gall has reported to us that our team displayed great team spirit and persistence in a tough competition. St Paul’s came away with First Place for the Percentage Cup. Congratulations to Sophia Hinz and Cooper Byers on being announced as our best girl and boy swimmer respectively. Well done everyone!

This Term in our ‘Light Fantastic’ studies, the Year 5 students have been working on line and shading techniques to create 3-D pieces. The students have been looking at how shading and shadows allow a 2-D picture to transform into 3 dimensions.

Year 2 went on a trip around the Caboolture Area last Friday 1st March to discover what is special about the local area the school is in. They visited Queensland State Equestrian Centre (QSEC), Mary Cairncross Park and Caboolture Hub. Students enjoyed seeing horses warm up for competition at QSEC, taking a guided bush walk at the park and viewing the art at Caboolture Hub. It was such a fun day out for Year 2!

Year 4 have begun the year with a bang! Already students have been involved in swimming lessons, presenting a worship service about The History of the Church to the school and wider community and visited the aged care village to sing some songs and interact with the residents. They have begun an inquiry journey into learning about
People and their Impact on the Environment through both an on-site learning experience at the Caboolture Waste Management Centre as well as an incursion with a representative from the Moreton Bay Regional Council investigating waste management in the St Paul’s community. We have also embarked on a three-week introductory course to robotics. So far, the consensus among the students is the Year 4 Agile Learning Lab is a great setting for learning!
The 2018 Parents & Friends Group have generously helped us purchase some new glockenspiels for the Upper Primary Music classes. The Year 4s were able to use them for the first time this past week. With these new instruments, students will have access to a wider variety of repertoire to learn and gain a better understanding of intervals and key signatures. We are very grateful for this new equipment and are thankful for the P&F and all they do for our school.
On Tuesday our Year 6s enjoyed participating in an LYQ run leadership day. The day was designed to build on the concepts learnt about what makes a good leader and a friend from the Year 5 Leadership Day last year.
Students had the opportunity to reflect on the day and from their feedback. It seems that the majority of our Year 6s thoroughly enjoyed themselves and were excited about participating in the day. Highlights of the day were the challenging team building activities, the mini whole group games and an inspiring video about the values of true friendship. Students explored the qualities of good friends and many students learned the valuable lesson of how important it is to have clear communication when working with others.
A big thank you to the enthusiastic and encouraging staff of LYQ who ran the day very smoothly and made great connections with the students.
It is not too late to join the GSP Sports Academy Program for 2019, registrations for Soccer, Running and Netball are open and can be completed online at http://www.trybooking.com/BAFAE for more information and the GSP Brochure please go to our
Co-curricular/Extra Curricular webpage.
The program offers:
- Experienced & FA Qualified Head Coach
- All QLD FA Accredited Coaches
- Technique Based Coaching and Tuition
- Player Development
- Realistic Practices
- Fun Training Sessions
- Build Confidence on and off the court
- Be fit, be healthy, be strong, be nurtured
- Make friends and have fun
- Develop leadership and integrity
- Net (5-7 Yrs), Set (8-10 Yrs), Go (9-10 Yrs)
- Intermediate (11+ Yrs)
- Professional Training Methods
- Experienced Coaches
- Inclusive program
- Progress tracking through individual profiles
- Fun training sessions
- Tailored for individual athletes