St Pauls Lutheran Primary School & Kindergarten
Caboolture, Queensland
The livelihoods of more than 33,000 Queenslanders and almost $5 billion worth of economic activity rely on a strong and growing independent schooling sector.
These are among the headline findings of a comprehensive examination of the contribution of Queensland’s more than 200 independent schools to the economy.
In 2020, Independent Schools Queensland commissioned economic analysts, AEC Group, to quantify the sector’s contribution to the Queensland economy and to the local economies in which they operate. The report, which is based on the latest available 2017-18 sector data, updates modelling undertaken for the first time in 2016 using 2013-14 data.
To see the full report and other resources from ISQ go to
For the last two weeks, Year Three has enjoyed their swimming program. They were divided up into five groups and taught a variety of valuable swimming skills, which included stroke correction, diving, kicking with kickboards and appropriate breathing techniques for the strokes learnt. The two week program has seen an improvement in their overall abilities and stamina.
The Year 6 Students went on their Outback – Roma West Safari Camp in Week 9 of Term 3. It was a learning experience that had many fun moments as well as moments that challenged all students and took them out of their comfort zones.
Here are some of the things our Year 6’s experienced: We stayed at various places in Outback Queensland such as the Columboola Environmental Education Centre, Ups and Downs Farm Stay in Roma, and the Jondaryan Woolshed. At Columboola, we participated in activities like orienteering and yabbying and at night we stayed in tents. After we left Columboola we visited the Miles Historical Museum which was one of the highlights of our trip.
For two nights we stayed at the Ups and Downs Farm Stay in Roma where we had to set up our own tents and blow up our air mattresses. It was very cold sleeping in our tents. While we were in Roma we visited the Roma Cattle Saleyards, which are the biggest sale yards in Australia. Then we had a Roma Town Tour and lunch at the Big Rig. After that, we visited the Great Artesian Spa, where we had a swim in the hot mineral spring waters. This was definitely another highlight of our trip.
On our last night, we stayed at the Jondaryan Woolshed where we all slept in a massive hall and watched a movie. It was like the biggest sleepover we have ever had. The next morning, we packed our stuff up and participated in the activities Jondaryan had to offer, including damper making, a visit to the animal nursery and a horse and cart ride.
Overall, this camp was one of the best we have had throughout our primary school. We all enjoyed it and learnt lots of new and interesting things. This year’s camp was a great success.
St Paul’s has again been nominated as a finalist in the 2019 Australian Education Awards in the Primary School of the Year [non-government] category. Once again this is an affirmation of the incredible holistic living, learning and growing philosophy which happens across our school every day. This nomination isn’t about one person, one program or one particular group of students, but it is a reflection and affirmation of who we are as a learning community in Caboolture. The awards event will take place in Sydney later this year.
Junior students were involved also in endurance activities throughout this term and enjoyed their time learning the basics of Tennis. Great participation and energy has been seen by all students.
Thus far, St Paul’s students have had a busy Term 1 full of a variety of sporting opportunities. Swimming lessons, District Swimming, Inter-House Swimming, AFL & Soccer Gala Days 1 & 2, Inter Lutheran Swimming & Inter-House Cross Country. New achievements, new experiences, new friendships & new skills continued to be explored!!
Preps have been learning about the concepts of print. We have enjoyed playing lots of games, including alphabet freeze and Simon Says with book parts.
Year 1 have been practising alphabetical order to assist them in using the fiction section. They are also looking at non-fiction text features and how these help the reader make sense of what they are reading. This will help support the students when writing their information reports.
Year 2 – 6 have touched on plagiarism and understand that when researching they must put information into their own words. Year 2, 3, 5 and 6 are focusing on summarising skills. What is the main idea, what are the details (dot points) and how to put our dot points into sentences? Year 3 are also learning the basics of writing a bibliography.
Year 4 are examining different features of text (online and books) that enhance readability and text navigation. Students will look at design elements such as white space, size and placement of photos.
Year 6 are learning how to search for information and to select appropriate information from different sources. They are learning to write a bibliography for different sources (book, website and photograph).
Lutheran Education Queensland is recognised for delivering high academic standards and providing students with rich and diverse learning opportunities to ignite their passions and thrive as learners.
Our vision and mission is framed by strong Christian values, service and care, and recognition that all individuals have the ability to succeed and grow as worthwhile citizens within this contemporary world.
Students in Lutheran Education Queensland schools are nurtured through a strong supportive network of pastoral care to support their learning. Through the implementation of latest modern curriculums, including the Australian Curriculum, and guided by innovative educators, our learners become resilient, empathetic, critical thinking problem solvers.