St Pauls Lutheran Primary School & Kindergarten
Caboolture, Queensland
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
It’s my privilege to welcome every family to St Paul’s for the start of the 2021 school year. It’s wonderful to have you all back safe and sound. I trust and hope that you have had the opportunity to connect with those closest to you as a family and have also had a time of rest and relaxation – I call it creating your own busyness! We thank God for rest, reconnecting and safe travels during this holiday time.
An extra welcome is extended to those families, across Prep – Year 6, who are new to our school community. We look forward to establishing a strong, rich and transparent working relationship with you as a family, as together we nurture, share and grow our partnership.
Thank you for the incredible patience and support given to the school last year as we navigated our way through the COVID-19 challenges and expectations which were put on us as a community. We will again be calling on your patience, understanding and co-operation at the start of the 2021 school year as we endeavour to land every student and family successfully in this regard. To our current families, please be understanding of any different arrangements which may be put in place for our newest families and students as we settle them into our community. Please be assured that any arrangements implemented will be done under the guidelines of the government to ensure the safety and wellness of everyone.
Thank you to those families who took up the opportunity last week to be part of a slightly modified Family Administration Day (FAD) which is designed to help with the settling in process to the new school year for you as a family.
Our next initiative to help you connect with us and settle into the new school year is the Parent Information Evenings which begin next week. Please note that each year level has been assigned its own evening, to allow those families with more than one student at St Paul’s the opportunity to attend their required evening. To accommodate the necessary COVID-19 physical distancing rules, the following arrangements will now apply to each of the Parent Information Evenings:
– Your student’s learning space (classroom) will be available for you to visit and walk through from 5:15pm onward. At around 5:40pm all parents still in the learning space will be asked to move over to the school’s Chapel where the year level teachers will further host you as they present the necessary year level information to you. These arrangements will ensure that we can all physically distance safely on the evening.
Both the Teaching staff and the Executive propagate a strong open-door policy at St. Paul’s. Open and transparent communication are vital to the success of your child’s time at school. We are proud of the innovative learning philosophy and programs being offered at St. Paul’s. Our goal in 2021 is to continue improving on our reputation as a school which is forward-thinking and which provides quality learning experiences for all our students, within a safe environment, under the guidance of a highly committed staff. I warmly invite you to walk this journey with us.
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
It’s my privilege to welcome every family to St. Paul’s for the start of the 2021 school year. It’s wonderful to have you all back safe and sound. I trust and hope that you have had the opportunity to connect with those closest to you as a family and have also had a time of rest and relaxation – I call it creating your own busyness! We thank God for rest, reconnecting and safe travels during this holiday time.
An extra welcome is extended to those families, across Prep – Year 6, who are new to our school community. We look forward to establishing a strong, rich and transparent working relationship with you as a family, as together we nurture, share and grow our partnership.
Thank you for the incredible patience and support given to the school last year as we navigated our way through the COVID-19 challenges and expectations which were put on us as a community. We will again be calling on your patience, understanding and co-operation at the start of the 2021 school year as we endeavour to land every student and family successfully in this regard. To our current families, please be understanding of any different arrangements which may be put in place for our newest families and students as we settle them into our community. Please be assured that any arrangements implemented will be done under the guidelines of the government to ensure the safety and wellness of everyone.
Thank you to those families who took up the opportunity last week to be part of a slightly modified Family Administration Day (FAD) which is designed to help with the settling in process to the new school year for you as a family.
Our next initiative to help you connect with us and settle into the new school year is the Parent Information Evenings which begin next week. Please note that each year level has been assigned its own evening, to allow those families with more than one student at St Paul’s the opportunity to attend their required evening. To accommodate the necessary COVID-19 physical distancing rules, the following arrangements will now apply to each of the Parent Information Evenings:
– Your student’s learning space (classroom) will be available for you to visit and walk through from 5:15pm onward. At around 5:40pm all parents still in the learning space will be asked to move over to the school’s Chapel where the year level teachers will further host you as they present the necessary year level information to you. These arrangements will ensure that we can all physically distance safely on the evening.
Both the Teaching staff and the Executive propagate a strong open-door policy at St. Paul’s. Open and transparent communication are vital to the success of your child’s time at school. We are proud of the innovative learning philosophy and programs being offered at St. Paul’s. Our goal in 2021 is to continue improving on our reputation as a school which is forward-thinking and which provides quality learning experiences for all our students, within a safe environment, under the guidance of a highly committed staff. I warmly invite you to walk this journey with us.