St Pauls Lutheran Primary School & Kindergarten
Caboolture, Queensland
On Wednesday 14 October, the Year 6 students, accompanied by Mr. Riley, Mrs. Cottrell, Mrs. Schneider, Chappy Teneille, Mrs. Mali, Mr. Bloxham and Mark, our wonderful bus driver and guide, departed for a three-day, two-night tour of Hervey Bay!
Although this was a change from the style of camps Year 6 has been on in previous years, it was the perfect experience and location to enjoy after all the hurdles 2020 has brought.
It really was a stress-free, rewarding experience for every student! The camp we stayed at, Camp Pialba, provided delicious food and activities such as basketball, volleyball, pool, table tennis, air hockey, and even a movie night with fresh butter popcorn! We got to travel back in time with visits to the extensive, interesting Hervey Bay Historical Village and the Mary Valley Rattler steam train. We enjoyed a spectacular morning on board The Spirit of Hervey Bay, where we were lucky enough to sight a mother humpback whale with her week old calf. Fun was had in spades at ten-pin bowling, enjoying a morning stroll along the Urangan Pier, souvenir-buying, and cooling off at the Wetside Water Park, Hervey Bay.
As the Year 6 cohort for 2020 nears the end of our primary school journey, every student treasured this opportunity to enjoy some time out of the classroom with our friends before preparing to head to different high schools in 2021. We have no doubt that the memories we made on this tour will stay with us for years to come!
As Year 6 leaders of the school, we found our leadership day, run by facilitators from Lutheran Youth Queensland (L.Y.Q.) held last Monday, was a great opportunity to learn new leadership skills. Some of our favourite activities included Tarp Turn-over, The Death Grid and River Crossing. These activities taught us skills such as teamwork, listening skills, good communication, patience and strategising as a team. These skills could help us in our leadership roles and in future leadership roles such as in high school and our future jobs. The whole Year 6 community enjoyed and embraced this opportunity and found it a great learning experience.
We thank L.Y.Q and our School and Teachers for making this great day possible.
Year 6 Captains
The Year 6 Students went on their Outback – Roma West Safari Camp in Week 9 of Term 3. It was a learning experience that had many fun moments as well as moments that challenged all students and took them out of their comfort zones.
Here are some of the things our Year 6’s experienced: We stayed at various places in Outback Queensland such as the Columboola Environmental Education Centre, Ups and Downs Farm Stay in Roma, and the Jondaryan Woolshed. At Columboola, we participated in activities like orienteering and yabbying and at night we stayed in tents. After we left Columboola we visited the Miles Historical Museum which was one of the highlights of our trip.
For two nights we stayed at the Ups and Downs Farm Stay in Roma where we had to set up our own tents and blow up our air mattresses. It was very cold sleeping in our tents. While we were in Roma we visited the Roma Cattle Saleyards, which are the biggest sale yards in Australia. Then we had a Roma Town Tour and lunch at the Big Rig. After that, we visited the Great Artesian Spa, where we had a swim in the hot mineral spring waters. This was definitely another highlight of our trip.
On our last night, we stayed at the Jondaryan Woolshed where we all slept in a massive hall and watched a movie. It was like the biggest sleepover we have ever had. The next morning, we packed our stuff up and participated in the activities Jondaryan had to offer, including damper making, a visit to the animal nursery and a horse and cart ride.
Overall, this camp was one of the best we have had throughout our primary school. We all enjoyed it and learnt lots of new and interesting things. This year’s camp was a great success.
Students had the opportunity to reflect on the day and from their feedback. It seems that the majority of our Year 6s thoroughly enjoyed themselves and were excited about participating in the day. Highlights of the day were the challenging team building activities, the mini whole group games and an inspiring video about the values of true friendship. Students explored the qualities of good friends and many students learned the valuable lesson of how important it is to have clear communication when working with others.
A big thank you to the enthusiastic and encouraging staff of LYQ who ran the day very smoothly and made great connections with the students.