- Principal News
- Acting Deputy Principal News
- Head of Teaching and Learning News
- Sports News
- Year 3 Inside Story
- Who’s Who in the Zoo at St Paul’s
- Christmas Nativity Chapel
Issue 4 - 29 March 2022
Issue 3 - 15 November 2022
In this issue

From the Principal
Last week I had the pleasure of travelling to Canberra with our Year 6 cohort for the first ever St Paul’s Canberra Camp… and what an amazing first trip we...
Issue 2 - 27 October 2022
In this issue
- Principal News
- Deputy Principal News
- Head of Teaching and Learning News
- Sports News
- Year 4 Inside Story
- Who’s Who in the Zoo at St Paul’s
- Church News

From the Principal
Service is not a glamorous concept. Who in their right mind would sign up for a life of service? And yet that is what God has in mind for his...

From the Acting Deputy Principal
We are nearing the end of term and we have had some fabulous events here at St Paul’s. The Twilight Music concerts, 1 week of swimming lessons, Year 4 Bike Education, Year 6 Canberra trip, rehearsals for Christmas Chapel, Sunday@5 with Prep just to name a few! We may only have 2 weeks left of school, but in that time we look forwards to the Build-a-Bear Incursion with Prep, the Colour Run, more swimming lessons, Christmas Chapel, Angel Tree Project, Awards ceremonies, Step up Day, Family movie night with The Grinch and our Year 6 Graduation. While it can be tiring to attend all of these events, it is these where memories are made. This week we are shortlisting for our 2023 School Captains, Faith and Service Captains, Arts Captains and House Captains. We look forward to introducing our new leaders at the Awards Ceremonies in week 9. We will be sending home letters via email to the families of Award winners for 2022 on Friday. But please keep this a secret so your child gets a surprise on the day! This year the effort awards will be sent home with reports cards as done in the previous year. Have a wonderful week and we look forward to seeing you at one of the many events coming up. Bless you, Marcia Jealous Acting Deputy Principal.

From the Head of Teaching and Learning

Summer Reading Club
Moreton Bay Libraries have the best summer reading program in the area. Borrow books and read them to go into the draw fo awesome prizes. What books will you read this summer holidays?

Inside Story Year 3

Who’s Who in the Zoo at St Paul’s?!
Who’s Who in the Zoo at St Paul’s?!

Sports News
A very special acknowledgment to Aiden Moore, who recently competed at the 10-12 years Qld Representative State Schools Track & Field Championships. He competed in the Under 11 Tetrathlon (long jump, shot put, 100m & 800m) over the 2 days event. Aiden placed first with 1103 points. He has now been selected in the QLD team and will compete at The School Sport Australia National Championships in Brisbane on the 17-21 November. Such an amazing achievement Aiden, very well done! St Paul's wishes youall of the best when you compete next week. GO AIDEN!!!
Roar Active - Fun & Creative Football Activities!

Redcliffe Triathlon Club

Christmas Nativity Chapel
Some students were nominated to be involved in this year's Christmas Nativity play. Involvement in this play will require rehearsals during morning tea and lunch time, as well as attendance on the day of the play. Students will also be asked to wear a costume for the play and we will be providing the accessories. Nativity Date: Friday 25 November Time: 1.30pm start (students involved will meet at 12.30 to get ready) Location: Chapel Costumes: Donkeys - black pants / shorts and grey shirt Camels - black pants / shorts and orange or brown shirt Sheep - black pants / shorts and white shirt Travers & Children - plain clotes / free dress Innkeeper, Sheppard & Joseph - dark clotes Wise Men - dark clotes Mary - blue / white clothes Angel - white clotes

From the Acting Deputy Principal
Our Value we are focusing in on in our classrooms and in Chapel is Courage
Deuteronomy 31:6-8
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” Then Moses summoned Joshua and said to him in the presence of all Israel, “Be strong and courageous, for you must go with this people into the land that the LORD swore to their ancestors to give them, and you must divide it among them as their inheritance. The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
Swimming for Prep-Year 6 students will be held over Weeks 7 and 8, 14 – 25th November. An email with all of the information has been sent out to families. Please see the timetable below:
Year 2 | 9.00am | 9.15am | 9.55am | 10.10am |
Year 3 | 9.45am | 10.00am | 10.40am | 10.55am |
Year 1 | 10.30am | 10.45am | 11.25am | 11.40am |
Prep | 11.15am | 11.30am | 12.10pm | 12.25pm |
Year 6 | 12.00pm | 12.15pm | 1.05pm | 1.20pm |
Year 4 | 12.45pm | 1.00pm | 1.40pm | 2.00pm |
Year 5 | 1.30pm | 1.45pm | 2.25pm | 2.40pm |

From the Head of Teaching and Learning
Family Book Club