Term two at St Paul’s has started with a flurry of energy and excitement. Friendships are cementing and the new routines of the year are becoming second nature. We are venturing into some deep learning and enjoying excursions and events that anchor us within our values. We love celebrating family and especially our mums in May! So, if you haven’t already, please RSVP for the Mother’s and Son’s afternoon Thursday 5 May 4-5:30pm. You don’t want to miss the fun activities we have prepared for you and your cherubs!
Our students are learning about the value of Forgiveness. This is an amazing tool we have where we are all able to defuse any situation with some grace and forgiveness. Whether this is the person who cuts us off in line through to offense caused by someone we love and trust. With a deep breath and the ability to forgive, we learn that most people we encounter do not set out to cause anyone harm or inconvenience. Instead, they often are unaware of how their actions or words have affected us. So, in times where you could react in a way that could add fuel to the fire, choose grace and in time, forgiveness!
Monday: 8:00am – 9:00am
Wednesday: 8:00am – 9:00am & 2:30pm – 3:30pm
Orders can also be ordered through Flexischools app.
Our students should be very proud of what they have achieved in Term 1.
Readers will be sent home each Friday (from the class teacher), with a special book sent home once a week online (as an eBook) for students to show off their excellent decoding, vocabulary, fluency, expression and comprehension skills to you in their ‘Performance Read’. Please make a big deal about your child’s Performance Read as they have worked hard on a range of skills throughout the lesson cycle on this text and they will be keen to show you their excellent reading skills.

Our students, teachers and Learning Assistants have now completed their teaching of the initial weeks of our Read Write Inc program. From next term, students in Years 1-2 (and a number of students in Year 3) will begin to bring readers home that are aligned to their developmental level. We would love for you to reinforce the sounds that we are learning in class using this video to guide you: https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/ApWBhzsO/x3fOhqOa
Sound blending is the next step after children have mastered learning single sounds. Watch this video to learn more: https://schools.ruthmiskin.com/training/view/9NyTnDi3/VHfgTgft
We have thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of our new reading program. We look forward to making new groupings for next term, reflecting on how far students have come and starting the next part of the program (which involves more explicit teaching of spelling, editing, writing, reading and comprehension).
Keep an eye out for updates to the Parent Lounge information videos, as there are a few new ones coming to keep you informed about Read Write Inc.

Wednesday 27 April – Busking @ St Paul’s – Year 3-6 students
Monday 6 June – Drama Incursion “Shake and Stir Theatre Co” Year 3-6
Thursday 16 June – Twilight Recital 1 (Guitar, Strings, Year 3 Immersion)
Friday 17 June – Ukulele Workshop Year 6
Friday 17 June – Twilight Recital 2 (Band, Piano, Voice, Choirs)
Year 3-6 students have the opportunity to participate in Busking Day in Term 2 Week 2, on Wednesday 27 April. Six stations will be set up around the school and students will be scheduled to perform at morning tea or lunchtime. All Year 3-6 students are welcome to visit the busking stations and vote for performers. There will be a prize for the best busking hat and the top two busking acts will perform at the entrance to a Senior Assembly in Term 2. To register, students respond to a Seesaw activity by 20 April. For more information, see Ms Ellwood or email performingarts@stpaulslps.qld.edu.au
I am thrilled to serve your child as their Teacher Librarian this year. I look forward to helping them become a critical thinker, enthusiastic reader and skillful researcher.
The Library would like to welcome parents to visit during the Parent/Student/Teacher conversations Thursday 31 March from 3-6pm.
Parents are welcome to come for a drink and a cookie and say hello to the new Teacher Librarian, Mrs Stephens.
Take a look at the ‘new look’ picture book room and the new releases in the Library.
As the April holidays are approaching, parents may borrow extra books for their child’s holiday reading. You might also like to collect a Mr Popper and his Penguin book as part of the school’s Family Reading Challenge.
If you cannot visit during this time the Library is open to parents before school Monday to Thursday from 8-8.30am and after school from 3-3.30pm. Parents may access the Library catalogue from home here.
I look forward to meeting parents and your children.
If you would like to contact the Library, please send an email to librarians@stpaulslps.qld.edu.au
Many thanks
Donna Stephens
Sammie Hammond – President.
Tara Henrichs – Vice President
Michelle Cox – Secretary
Ian Bloxham – Treasurer
Two Executive members – Rebecca Worrall and Aria Cushing
We are busy working away organising lots of fun things for this year. Please remember any leftover chocolates and the money is due back to the office on Friday 29 April 2022. The sooner it’s all back, the sooner some students will receive surprise prizes. Our next meeting will be Tuesday 10 May 2022 at 3.15pm, but if you need or want to contact us, we are available on the P&F Facebook group page or via email: pfpresident@stpaulslps.qld.edu.au
Have a very happy and safe Easter
Sammie Hammond