You are invited to join us this Sunday 03 April 2022 for our Food, Faith & Fun @ 5pm.
Our wonderful boys and girls will be representing our school on the sports fields of Caboolture District during Weeks 3 and 4. Games start at 10.00 am and will continue through the day until 2.00 pm. We will field 4 Netball teams at Apex Park, Caboolture; 2 Soccer teams at Bribie Island (First Ave, Bongaree) and 2 Rugby League teams at Peterson Road Sports Fields, Morayfield. Children are to wear Sports Uniform, bring a hat and a drink bottle. Specific playing jerseys will be provided for Soccer and Rugby League teams. A reminder that mouthguards and football boots (no metal studs) are mandatory for Rugby players, shin pads and appropriate soccer socks (to hold shin pads in place) are mandatory for soccer players.
Northern Cluster Cross Country Friday 22 April
A stunning day of running, brilliant efforts and unbelievably magnificent student behaviour was the outcome of our Cross Country event on Friday last. Students from 4 schools (St Peter’s, St Benedict’s, Living Faith and our own St Paul’s) huffed, puffed, motored, zipped and scooted their way around the 1km course. Magnificently supported by a great contingent of parents and friends of the schools involved, most ably directed and encouraged by wonderful senior students from Grace College and St Benedict’s senior college, and impeccably officiated and marshaled by numerous teachers, support staff and willing volunteers, the Northern Cluster of Catholic and Independent Schools Cross Country event was a huge and blessed success. Huge congratulations to our incredible team of runners who covered themselves in sweat and glory and extra special thanks to the staff and parents who so willingly gave of their time and efforts to ensure a successful day. Extra huge thanks and admiration to our incredible ground staff, Karen D and Ian Mc.
District Cross Country Tuesday 3 May
Our next representative running event takes place on Tuesday week. The District event is a pathway to regional and state representation for those most able runners, so it is with great optimism that we head to that event. 29 students have qualified to represent our school at the event taking place at Burpengary Sports Complex – Station Road, Burpengary.
Tennis and Rugby Union District Trial
Trials for Tennis and Rugby Union are coming up in the next 2 weeks. Open to regular competition players, turning 10 or older this year. Please see Mr Wooding for all details.

A brilliant sunny and dry day greeted our amazing stable of runners last Monday. Hats, sunscreen and water bottles were the order of the day as our intrepid students ran, bounced, huffed, puffed, staggered and managed their way around our newly developed course.
Magnificent efforts by all our children, wonderful support from our incredibly attentive and involved parent and friend body, and amazing consideration and grace from our supremely talented staff.
Thank you one and all for a wonderfully run and supported event.
The top 5 students in the 10-12 age groups will represent our school at the District event in Term 2 (Week 3), the top 8 students in the 9-12 age groups will represent our school in the Northern Cluster Independent Schools event to be hosted by St Pauls and held in week 1 of term 2. Congratulations to all those students.
Overall, Archer 375 points, Gregor 367 points and Jeffreys 434 points meaning Jeffreys are crowned Cross Country Champions 2022.
A reminder our uniform hours are:
Monday 8am – 9am
Wednesday 8am – 9am, 2.30pm-3.30pm
Orders can still be placed via Flexischools and sent to your child’s class as normal.
OUT OF STOCK ITEMS – Boy’s Formal Shirt Size 8/10
We are currently awaiting our order of size 8 and 10 Boy’s Formal Shirts. Due to Covid isolation shutdowns in the warehouse, and the recent floods, there have been some delays on production (as seen in many other industries). We have been advised by the supplier that their warehouse was one of the many in Brisbane that seen extensive water levels and therefore extensive damage. As more information on the delivery of these items come to hand, we will keep you updated.
As of Term 2, second-hand items will no longer be accepted in Uniform Shop. The unsold stock currently on the racks will be donated to sickbay at the end of Term 1, unless collected by their original owner by 3.30pm Wednesday 30 March. If you do have items you would like to sell, we encourage you to utilise the School Second Hand Facebook page: SPLPS & K Buy, Swap and Sell
Thank you for your ongoing support and understanding.
Deb Forshaw
Uniform Convenor

Family Book Club will begin again this week. We will be reading Mr Popper’s Penguins. You may borrow this book from the GLAD Centre as a special, month-long loan to read with your family. On Thursday the 2 June, we will come together with students and their families in the GLAD Centre from 3.15pm-5.00pm to watch the movie. Please bring a comfy pillow and blanket to snuggle in with while you watch the movie.
In May, students in Years 3 and 5 will sit their NAPLAN test in Writing, Reading, Conventions of Language and Mathematics. On 21 March we have a practice test scheduled for students to use the testing platform and get a feel for the routines around NAPLAN.
Mrs Valencia will send out more information for parents soon. In the meantime, please feel free to visit the NAP website to look at example test questions on the NAPLAN tests.
- Year 3 :
- Year 5 :
Read Write Inc
Our students, teachers and Learning Assistants are in full swing of delivering the initial weeks of our Read Write Inc program. From next term, students in Years 1-2 (and a number of students in Year 3) will begin to bring readers home that are aligned to their developmental level. We would love for you to reinforce the sounds that we are learning in class using this video to guide you:
Reading to your child is really important for their development. Here is a video to give you more information about reading aloud to your child:
For some tips to help you to navigate reading to your child aloud each day watch this video:
Brainstorm Productions
On 28 March, Brainstorm Productions will be presenting their student wellbeing performance ‘The H Team’. ‘The H Team’ is a live educational theatre performance that follows the story of Cal and Mindi, who are accidentally transported from the safety of the ‘H Zone’ and left without their positive mindsets. Peer pressure and social media make Mindi anxious, competitive and impulsive. Cal is being bullied and excluded at school. He becomes isolated and obsessed with junk food and video games. Cal and Mindi must learn to resist the lure of advertising and excessive screen time, stand up to bullying and make healthy decisions.
This exciting live theatre experience gives students knowledge and confidence to cope with difficult emotions and critically evaluate negative messages from advertising and the media. They will learn practical strategies that can be used to build positive relationships, stay safe online and take care of their minds and bodies.
We pray for God’s blessings and ask Him to give her strength and wisdom to lead the community.
Warm Regards,
Marcia Jealous
Acting Deputy Principal
To our new leaders, we welcome you all to your new roles and we are very excited to work with you throughout this year.
Gala Days – As has been disseminated, Term 1 Gala Days will now take place in Term 2 (May 6 and 13). Year 4 to 6 children will participate in netball (4 teams), Rugby League (2 teams) and Soccer (2 teams), under the very influential gaze of teachers and support staff. With the relaxation of some COVID restrictions, spectators are welcome and encouraged – sport-specific information, a formal invitation and a request for support will be forthcoming in the next week or 2.
May the God of all grace and mercy bless your cotton bobby sports socks off!